As former prosecutors we can tell you that an experienced DUI defense attorney can make a significant impact on the outcome of your case.  Many people either mistakenly believe that there is nothing that can be done and that they might just as well plea no contest, and other people mistakenly believe that all attorneys are the same.  Some attorneys practice DUI defense because they see it as “easy” or “quick” money not realizing how complicated these cases are.  Before hiring any attorney ask them what steps they would take in defending your case, if they give you a speech about how they always handle these cases a certain way or if they give you a prediction as to what you can expect move on to the next attorney.  At a minimum a DUI attorney should:

Obtain driving privileges for you as soon as possible. It is important that you keep working, keep supporting your family with as little interruption as possible.  We can help you with that.

Obtain all evidence against you as soon as possible. Believe it, or not, these cases are not sure things for the prosecutors.  These cases involve sophisticated legal issues and complex science – and prosecutors are just lawyers too.  The media has made these cases out to be slam dunks: “You drink, you drive, you lose.”  Nonsense we say.  There is a lot at stake for our clients, but that’s why they hire professionals.

File a motion to suppress, and follow through on it. We get results because we know how to apply pressure – the fear of losing a DUI can be a powerful thing when dealing with prosecutors.  A motion to suppress puts pressure on the prosecutor to show that the evidence was collected properly, that the tests were done in the right manner, and that there were no errors in the complaint.  There is almost always at least one serious issue in a DUI case that can be used to help you.

Call us at (330) 860-4347 for your free consultation regarding your case. Ask to speak with me, Joe Patituce, an Akron DUI Attorney.  The call is without any obligation and I promise to treat you with the respect you deserve.