August 20, 2012 | Uncategorized
One of the first questions our clients ask us is centered around how long they will lose their license for. The ability to drive is one of the most basic necessities that we need in order to be able to conduct business, go to work, take care of our family, raise children. If you were stopped for a DUI/OVI the police officers probably took your license after you failed the breath test, or refused the breath test. It is our job to help you get back on the road as fast as possible. An experienced DUI Attorney can be the difference between driving and not-driving.
There are two types of license suspensions involved in a DUI. The first is a suspension imposed by the police officer and the BMV. Typically, on a first offense it is 90 days if you failed the breath test and a year if you refused the breath test. It is ok if you refused, an experienced attorney can help you overcome this. The problem with these suspensions is two fold. First, if you are convicted of a DUI/OVI you will lose your license for 6 months up to 3 years. Second, there is a mandatory waiting period before you can obtain privileges to drive for work. There are methods to obtain privileges faster, ask us about them.
If you are serious about defending your case and getting back on the road call us at (330) 860-4347. Ask to speak to Joe Patituce, our Akron DUI Attorney, about obtaining driving privileges and defending your case.